Aroti & Mario

Wedding photo at Rossino Castle, Calolziocorte, Aroti and Mario

Wedding in a splendid Italian location

The wedding day

“A year to prepare for magic, to become a family. We are The Blended family. Our different origins have met, because love, the authentic one, can do anything. Our roots have embraced each other and we can call the two lands home with love acting as a bridge. Love is not chasing each other, or expecting. It is waiting to walk together.
Thanks to the shy sun, the living presence of those who couldn’t physically be there.
Children are a gift we give to the world. Thanks to Eleonora and Tino for giving Mario to the world for me to meet him.
Friendship and love are not asked for like water, but offered like tea. Friendship, a precious and rare gift.
You and me equal US.
Thank you for meeting us because: I risked losing a thousand and billions and more of things if you hadn’t given me the gift of sharing them with me.
There are no coincidences, I know that for some reason every step I’ve taken since I learned to walk, was a step towards you.”
Aroti and Mario

Endless emotions on the magical September day, for Aroti and Mario. The wedding is celebrated in the splendid scenery of the Castello di Rossino in the province of Lecco: an accurate setting for the celebration of these two beautiful spouses who exchange the promises of a life together at 5.30 pm. Unique images for the newly weds: the colours, elegance and naturalness embellished the photo shoot. The spouses say:


State pianificando il vostro matrimonio?

Castle of Rossino: OTHER WEDDINGS